Hopsin talks God, groupies, illuminati, music industry + more
Exclusive in-depth interview with Hopsin at his house. Our final segment (Part 4) starts with Hopsin opening up to Nick Huff Barili about the moment of clarity he had while on tour. Seeing how fans were star-struck by him made Hop want to give them the formula on how to reach success including the struggle instead of just glamorizing money and groupies like most rappers do these days. Hopsin says that he always belied in God but didn’t know what it meant to do the right thing…Until a few months ago when God spoke to him. After that experience Hopsin says that he feels like the blindfold was removed from him and now he can see what he is supposed to do. “I had to find out that the devil existed before I knew that God exists fully.” Hopsin continues by describing how when he was young all he wanted was to have money and girls on his jock but now that he has it like that he never uses the “celebrity” button. There is much more to this candid conversation but we don’t want to give it all away. You are gonna have to watch the video for the rest.
Subscribe to http://www.youtube.com/hardknocktv for our latest videos, including all four parts of our interview with Hopsin. You can also follow us at http://www.facebook.com/hardknocktv and http://www.twitter.com/Hardknocktv http://www.twitter.com/NickHuff Follow Hopsin at: http://www.myfunkvolume.com http://www.facebook.com/hellohopsin http://www.twitter.com/hopsin
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[…] emcee Hopsin sits down with HardKnockTV at his home in Los Angeles for an in-depth interview that reveals many sides that fans don’t […]
[…] Here is the link – http://hardknock.tv/hopsin-talks-god-groupies-illuminati-music-industry/#sthash.ajCXjP3o.dpbs […]