Wiz Khalifa talks Fatherhood, Skateboarding, Impersonations, Kendrick Lamar‬

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2 Responses

  1. Deangelo Bowersox says:

    Whether you’re expecting your first child or your kids are grown and on their own, being a dad is a new experience. When my wife was pregnant, we decided to have a homebirth. We hired a doula and two midwives. I won’t tell you how much it cost. According to them and other experts, labor was going to last 10-12 hours. My son had other plans. My wife’s labor was so short that the only other person in the room when he was born was – guess who? – me. After nine months of preparing to support my wife in the birth of my first child, there I was, with no medical training, serving as midwife, doula, and doctor. I fought off the strong desire to run out of the room as fast as possible. When I caught Joaquin, I experienced pure exhilaration and love. .`

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  1. February 7

    […] caught up with the folks over at Hard Knock TV and reasoned with them on a wide range of topics from prepping for the impending birth of his son […]