Talib Kweli – Mr. International
Gutter Rainbows shouldn’t be overlooked as one of the best albums that’s dropped as of late. Some amazing work. Shoutout to the homeless guy who was spitting in this too! —Campano
Gutter Rainbows shouldn’t be overlooked as one of the best albums that’s dropped as of late. Some amazing work. Shoutout to the homeless guy who was spitting in this too! —Campano
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF0JQ0eSmMM Just decided to spend an hour this morning watching Biggie interviews and this was one of my favorites. “What advice would I give to young rappers? Take control of your s***.” —Campano
Here’s the first project from the Mobb Deep lyricist since his release from prison, presented by Complex. —Campano
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JtUfsUNUXk Glad to see the great Mobb Deep music hasn’t missed a beat since Prod got back from his bid.
Been impressed with the recent tracks 50 has been droppin. My rear view mirror is vibrating! —Campano
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN_15ewiarU DZA drops T.H.C. (The Hustler’s Catalog) on April Fools Day. This is the third Lex Luger produced track I’ve seen today. The man works. —Campano
www.hardknock.tv Exclusive in-depth interview with Blu. Nick Huff Barili talked to Blu for over an hour and this is part 2 of that conversation. In this segment Blu tells Hard Knock the story of...
www.hardknock.tv Exclusive in-depth interview with Blu. Nick Huff Barili talked to Blu for over an hour and this is part 1 of that conversation. In this segment Blu gives Hard Knock TV insight into...
www.hardknock.tv Hard Knock TV caught up with Kobe Bryant at Rucker Park for Nike’s World Basketball Festival. In this interview Kobe talks about Basketball being a Global game now and how its important to...