Tagged: Gangsta


R.I.P Nate Dogg

According to The Long Beach Press-Telegram, Nathaniel Hale aka Nate Dogg died today at age 41 of unknown causes.

Ice Cube Why We Thugs LIVE Performance 0

Ice Cube – Why We Thugs – LIVE Performance

www.hardknock.tv Ice Cube performs “Why We Thugs” with WC and DJ Crazy Toones. “For all those that want Ice Cube out the game,” started the legendary West Coast rapper, “I got one thing to...

DJ Quik talks WestCoast OGs vs New Rappers and new album interivew by Devi Dev 0

DJ Quik talks Detox, Dr. Dre, Bishop Lamont

www.hardknock.tv Devi Dev caught up with the legendary DJ Quik to talk about the infamous Detox album. Dr Dre, West Coast Rappers and Commercial Radio. This is part 3 of interview. Check out www.hardknock.tv...

Ice Cube talks Janky Promoters and Longshots 0

Ice Cube talks Janky Promoters and Longshots

Ice Cube talks about new movie projects “The Longshots” and “Janky Promoters”, touring and much more.HardKnock.TV Check out part 2 where Hard Knock TV talks to Ice Cube WC and DJ Crazy Toones on...