Logic talks Battling Anxiety, Says “It Was The Worst Year Of My life
Hard Knock Tv’s Nick Huff Barili sits down with Logic for his first in-depth interview about his new album EVERYBODY. In this video Logic breaks down his favorite song on his new album EVERYBODY called “Anziety” and details how he has been battling anxiety and derealization to the point of almost going crazy. Logic details how, although last year was the most successful of his career it was the unhappiest for him because he was battling his own mind. Through therapy, change of habits in his life and allowing himself to take breaks, Logic is at a much happier place now. It takes a lot of courage to talk about mental health as openly at Logic does and we hope that it helps some viewers who might be experiencing their own battles to know that they are not alone and that it does get better.
We will be releasing videos to songs we haven’t discussed yet through out the coming weeks. Hit us on twitter to let us know which one you want next!
Nick and Logic talked for over 7 hours and there is more to come. Make sure to subscribe to www.youtube.com/hardknocktv to be the first to be notified for the next part of Logic’s and Nick’s conversation.